Constructive Dismissal 1

Constructive dismissal

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    Constructive dismissal

    Constructive dismissal refers to an employee resigning from their job because they feel they have been treated unfairly. This happens when employees have reached a point whereby they feel they have no choice but to resign. If you have been unfairly treated, or your employers’ conduct has left you feeling like there is no other option but to leave your employment, get in touch to find out how we can help. .

    Although you have decided to resign, it may still count as constructive dismissal in the eyes of the law. There are many reasons you may have felt you had to resign including:

    • Employer conduct

    • Contract disputes

    • Harassment or discrimination

    • Pay

    • Demotion

    • Hostility or irreparable working relationship

    Can I claim for constructive dismissal?

    As an employee, you need to make the first move and start the claim process. As with many employment claims, you need to have worked for your employer for at least two years to file a constructive dismissal claim. You will also need to demonstrate how your employer has breached conduct and provide clear evidence of this for your claim to be successful. It can seem overwhelming, but our team are here to help and will support you through the entire process.

    If you felt forced to resign, speaking to an experienced employment law expert will help. A problem shared is a problem halved and we will be happy to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Get in touch today on 0800 644 8648.

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    Get the answers you need and free yourself from risk and worry. Call 0800 644 8646

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