Category Archives: Disciplinary

Case study: Albert’s nuts disciplinary

From time to time we tell you about a Birmingham employment law case we have ...

Disciplinary for “bringing company into disrepute”

Sam Allardyce has been sacked from his new post as England manager, with a 100% ...

Case has long-term absence disciplinary implications

A recent case has held that employers will not get into trouble with employment law ...

Pokémon Go and the workplace

Do you know the difference between a Charmander and a Charmeleon? Pokémon Go is an ...

Disciplinary manager was too heavily influenced by HR

In a recent employment tribunal case the Employment Appeal Tribunal found in favour of an ...

Workplace sex dismissals: Employment Tribunal backs employer

You might think that this would go without saying, but when a small business dismissed ...

Disciplinary and grievance hearings

Here are some general pointers for handling a disciplinary investigation or grievance hearing: UK employment ...

Disciplinary hearings and secret recordings

It is becoming more and more common for employees to use mobile devices to secretly ...

Disciplinary at Morrisons for violence

A supermarket customer lost an expensive personal injury case after being attacked by a Morrison’s ...