Author Archives: Gareth

Key differences: UK employment law and US labour law

Why do we need to consider the differences between UK employment law and US labour ...

New report reveals current modern slavery checks are not ‘fit for purpose’

Following the National Crime Agency’s (NCA) shock revelation that Modern Slavery and Trafficking is affecting ...

Nannies and the National Minimum Wage

When it comes to nannies and the National Minimum Wage, the position is usually clear. ...

The employment crisis in the social care sector

The employment crisis in the social care sector Lily Wilde, Warwick University, Faculty of Law, ...

New compensation in discrimination cases

Before December 2002, there were no clear guidelines for the amount of compensation to be ...

Terminal illness at work – TUC seeks protection

The ‘Dying to Work Charter’ (Charter) is a voluntary charter which lays down guidance for ...

Case on discrimination and burden of proof

A discrimination tribunal case earlier this month made an important decision on the ‘burden of ...

Regular overtime and holiday pay

A case on overtime and holiday pay at the EAT (Employment Appeals Tribunal) says that ...

New case on dismissal of a whistleblower

Two non-executive directors (external board members who advise a company) of International Petroleum Ltd have ...

Mistakes in Acas early conciliation

A case earlier last  month has highlighted a pitfall for a claimant when making mistakes ...