Author Archives: Gareth

Sexual harassment at work

#Speak Out! The topic of women’s safety at work and at large (doing something as ...

Carers and sleep-ins – an important development

There has been a huge recent development which sleep-in carers across the country will want ...

Indirect religious discrimination and BBQs

Recently, indirect religious discrimination has been in the news – with a bit of a ...

Barrister takes law firm to court for monitoring personal e-mails

Robert Jones (an employed Barrister at a law firm) has made a claim for breaching ...

Metropolitan Police Force tries positive discrimination

From time to time we are contacted by journalists seeking background information or a legal ...

Commission schemes: Contractual or discretionary?

Commission schemes are frameworks used by employers to incentivise employees (typically sales staff). There are ...

Court news

We bring you the latest news from the employment tribunals and courts in this special ...

Are agency workers employees?

The topic of employment status has been very newsworthy lately, in particular with individuals working ...

Ian’s dismissal after 36 years

From time to time we tell you about a Birmingham employment law case we have ...

Pregnancy discrimination at work still a problem

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has published statistics about pregnancy discrimination that make interesting ...