Author Archives: Gareth

Dress code at work

Dress codes at work have been in the news quite a bit recently. See our ...

Who gets the money from tips?

As a restaurant customer you may wonder who gets the money from tips. Many employees ...

Are clowns allowed as meeting companions?

In the UK, no. But that didn’t stop Australian marketing consultant Josh Thompson from hiring ...

Paternity rights and premature babies

This unique birth has highlighted the inadequate paternity rights fathers of premature babies have. They ...

Will this Christmas job ad lead to employment claims?

We saw this job vacancy on the internet. You might ask what is wrong with seeking ...

Lisa’s settlement agreement renegotiation

From time to time we tell you about a Birmingham employment law case we have ...

Could settlement agreement confidentiality clauses be banned?

The latest target of the #MeToo movement could be settlement agreement confidentiality. It is currently ...

Gay cake and sexuality discrimination

Sexuality discrimination is outlawed both in the workplace and when buying goods and services. In ...

Not all disability-related poor treatment is discrimination

Dr Dunn accused his employer, the prison service, of disability-related poor treatment. He had been ...

Professor sues Oxford University after “forced retirement”

A row over forced retirement has hit Oxford University, one of the most famous universities ...