Author Archives: Gareth

Worker v self-employed status – The Uber drivers case  

The decision in the Uber drivers case at the Supreme Court has thrown light on ...

Making fair redundancies during covid

Making fair redundancies during covid means offering suitable alternative roles to employees, where they exist. ...

Immigration – the new points-based system

Brexit created an opportunity for change in the UK’s immigration system. On 1 December 2020, ...

Breach of settlement agreement – can an employer stop the cheque?

If an employee is responsible for a breach of settlement agreement (see our article here ...

Returning to work from absence

Supporting employees who return from work From a legal perspective, there is little actual law ...

Dealing with employees during a pandemic

Employment law is at the top of many agendas with the current Corona virus pandemic. ...


What is Furlough? Furlough is not a term that will be familiar to those in ...

BBC acknowledges sex discrimination in pay

January 2020 was a good start for equal pay for women at the BBC. Sarah ...

Interesting settlement for discrimination

We have read news of a settlement for discrimination by a transgender woman in a ...

Ethical veganism – protected as a philosophical belief?

Under the Equality Act 2010, employers must not treat staff less favourably or harass them ...