Author Archives: Gareth

Is caste discrimination unlawful?

The Equality Act protects us from discrimination related to sex, age, race, colour, nationality, ethnic ...

Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment seems to be becoming a common problem within the workplace.  According to the ...


Whistle-blower unfairly dismissed A West Midlands doctor won a complex employment tribunal claim, we read ...

Restrictive covenants

This is a story about restrictive covenants, an area that trips up more employers than ...

Disciplinary hearings and secret recordings

It is becoming more and more common for employees to use mobile devices to secretly ...


If you have staff who need to be available to deal with work as it ...


We bring you news of a bullying manager at the BBC who was investigated for ...

Disciplinary at Morrisons for violence

A supermarket customer lost an expensive personal injury case after being attacked by a Morrison’s ...

Wider flexible working rights starting July 2014

From July 2014 employees will have wider flexible working rights  i.e. An employee with half ...


At Hatton James, we act for both employees and employers. We find employees often have ...