Author Archives: Gareth

Striking for a pay rise

Several sectors are striking for a pay rise at the moment. The salaries of transport ...

Annual leave for term-time teachers

  A recent ruling in the highest court in the land has headlines for its ...

Racism in the NHS

A Lincolnshire doctor (Professor Tanweer Ahmed) has won a claim that he suffered racism in ...

Age discrimination at work – still with us?

We’ve written previous articles about age discrimination at work. But how has the landscape changed ...

Retracted job offers by Birmingham2022

We’ve recently had a number of enquiries from potential clients with retracted job offers, including ...

P&O’s unfair redundancy dismissals

The UK news is awash with the shock of P&O’s mass unfair redundancy dismissals. P&O ...

Employment law changes from April 2022

Here are the employment law changes coming into effect in Spring 2022 Spring 2022 Covid ...

Menopause and employment law

Menopause and employment law is becoming a hot topic. Women make up almost half of ...

Should employees tell employers about their medical condition?

Should the one in six employees with a disability tell employers about their medical condition? ...

On-call time and NMW

There has been a lot of caselaw about on-call time and NMW (National Minimum Wage). ...