Author Archives: Gareth

Employment Law – Myths And Facts

MYTH: Asking about family plans at a job interview is unlawful FACT: It is not ...

Settlement Agreements

Settlement agreements (previously ‘compromise agreements’) are legally-binding documents, recording the full terms of settlement between ...

Workplace sex dismissals: Employment Tribunal backs employer

You might think that this would go without saying, but when a small business dismissed ...

Terms and conditions

We just advised an employee who was unhappy that his employer wanted to withdraw his ...

Disability discrimination

An article in the Times recently explains that 400,000 employees left their jobs last year, ...

Disciplinary and grievance hearings

Here are some general pointers for handling a disciplinary investigation or grievance hearing: UK employment ...

Tribunal fees

Note: a subsequent legal change has affected the accuracy of this material. If you cannot ...

Rules on ex-offenders are relaxed

From March 2014, the rules on ex-offenders or ‘spent convictions’ have changed in favour of ...

UK employment law – redundancy

A recent case on redundancy payments disappointed, but did not surprise us. We think our ...

Zero-hours contracts

According to the Working Families association many on zero-hours contracts are unwilling to access existing ...