Author Archives: Gareth

Case study: Albert’s nuts disciplinary

From time to time we tell you about a Birmingham employment law case we have ...

Banter, harassment and discrimination

In any workplace, employees will joke around with one other, forming friendships that allow spirited ...

Breastfeeding at work and the law

Breastfeeding at work is a controversial subject in this country, even among employment lawyers. In ...

Brexit and disability discrimination – how will it affect the disabled?

The Brexit referendum left people with disabilities fearing that their opportunities in the workplace could come under ...

What do employment solicitors think of Acas Early Conciliation?

Note: a subsequent legal change has affected the accuracy of this material. What do employment solicitors think ...

Should employers contact staff on long-term sick leave?

Employment lawyers in Birmingham and around the country have welcomed a recent Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) ...

What is Theresa May planning, employment lawyers ask?

In a move that employment lawyers are watching carefully, Theresa May has announced that we ...

Sex discrimination and mums – the pay gap

Thirty years after the Sex Discrimination Act 1976 (updated in the Equality Act 2010), the ...

Discrimination on grounds of weight – is it unlawful?

Employment law’s newest concept is fattism, which is prejudice against people who are fat. This ...

Employment Law and the Labour Party

Note: a subsequent legal change has affected the accuracy of this material. The Labour Party has told ...