New era

Note: this post was originally from 2014. The 2015 update is in blue below A new era for Hatton ...

Employment tribunals shift whistleblowing law back towards employees

At Hatton James we like the whistleblowing provisions in UK employment law. They provide a ...

Grandparents to get parental leave under uk employment law

In April 2015 UK employment law saw the introduction of shared maternity/paternity/parental leave. This enables working ...

On-call worker fails to get employment tribunal compensation of £¼m

There are often thorny questions about whether a worker is ‘working’ for the purposes of ...

Acas Early Conciliation – our thoughts after 18 months

Note: a subsequent legal change has affected the accuracy of this material. April 2014 saw the introduction of ...

Long-term sick employee didn’t TUPE transfer

An employment tribunal has found that an employee absent on long-term sick did not transfer ...

Compensation awarded in caste/race discrimination case

We reported on this case some time ago. The case is about an employment tribunal that found ...

Disciplinary manager was too heavily influenced by HR

In a recent employment tribunal case the Employment Appeal Tribunal found in favour of an ...

Employment Tribunal solicitors braced for working time claims

You may have read in the news today of an EU ruling on working time that affects ...

Sex discrimination

For centuries women have been fighting against sex discrimination – wanting equality with men. Yet ...