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    In business, it’s not just employment contracts that need to be checked carefully. There are many different contracts that businesses deal with every day – that’s just part of the job, but you should always take a step back before you sign on the dotted line.

    Our qualified and experienced team will review any contract you have received from external sources such as suppliers, clients or investors. We will make sure it meets the needs of your business, states the responsibilities of each party clearly, and complies with all legal guidelines. You may also have internal contracts that are part of your business processes that need to be reviewed or updated. Leave it to the experts and let Hatton James ensure all of your contracts are up to scratch.

    Our team can help with any contract related issues. If you have received a contract that doesn’t look quite right or the terms are unreasonable, we will evaluate it and work to negotiate a fair solution that protects you from vulnerabilities in the future. Signing a bad contract can cause huge issues, resulting in lengthy and stressful legal battles. Avoid any unnecessary worry by getting your contract checked by experienced professionals. It’s always good to get a fresh pair of eyes on a contract before committing to an agreement and Hatton James can be your trusted legal team.

    Your contracts are safe with us. Give us a call on 0800 644 8646 today.

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    Get the answers you need and free yourself from risk and worry. Call 0800 644 8646

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    Why Choose Hatton James Legal?

    With over 30 years experience in employment law. 
Hatton James Legal’s Employment Lawyers have a reputation for providing prompt and pragmatic solutions. We provide specialist help & advice to employees of all levels of experience across Birmingham.

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    “We pride ourselves on delivering jargon free advice to our clients, we are always available for you and will fight hard to ensure the best result possible for your situation.”

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